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Fairuz Aneesa
A Sorcerer Vtuber
Age ???
June 9th XXXX

The Tale of The Wandering Sorcerer
“There is magic all around you” – that was all Fairuz Aneesa was ever told. Born into a wealthy family of renowned sorcerers, Aneesa was destined to wield the same power and prestige – a future defender of the kingdom. Timid and reclusive, Fairuz Aneesa became known for her distracted mind and wandering legs. She could never be found when needed, only be chance, often in hidden rooms of the kingdom’s castle or in quiet alleys of the town below. She showed all the signs of a secretive and mysterious sorceress, except for… magic. In spellcasting lessons, not a single spark emerged from her hands, and in magical studies no incantation hummed with energy as she spoke it. Artefacts never bound to her, enchantments didn’t enhance her skills, even staffs lost their luster when placed in her hands. It seemed the one thing Aneesa’s family was not ready for was the possibility that their daughter would be… normal. At first, Aneesa did not care, she was happy in her own mind. She didn’t need magic to explore the castle or enjoy a good meal. But, as her lessons went on, her father’s patience shortened, and her mother’s disappointment became less hidden. Despite a strong line of aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, Aneesa was an only child, so it wasn’t long until every eye of her regal family was watching her in judgement. Whispers of ‘failure’, ‘shame’ and ‘cursed child’ echoed the castle walls, dirty glares now plaguing her once peaceful walks. Aneesa was desperate to regain her family’s love. They turned their backs on her, even own parents, and continued to bring the kingdom magic as though she were invisible. Trying as she could, Aneesa found nothing in her studies but failure and sorrow. She left the castle – despite her timid nature – meeting with mystics and nomads, and seeking guidance. All told her the same thing – she was normal, not an ounce of magic dwelled within her. Aneesa was lost in despair, living alone within the castle dungeons, forgotten, and unloved. “Who am I without magic?” She spoke aloud to her own echo at night. “Would they be happier if I just…never existed?” The echo never gave an answer. The castle walls she once had loved now leered over her in silent contempt. And so, Aneesa performed her first and only magic trick – she disappeared. Out through the sewers she went one night, vowing to return with the magic needed to earn her family’s love. Aneesa travelled until her small allowance ran out, and was left stranded in an unknown town, hungry and alone. One night, in the rains of an angry storm, Aneesa spotted a traveller garbed in strange clothes – a sorcerer? No, he was like no sorcerer she had ever seen. He had not a staff, or a crystal ball, but some kind of screen, hovering before his eyes. Aneesa swallowed her fear, curiosity taking hold, and approached him. She asked for guidance, answers, anything. The man was friendly, and seemed familiar. He spoke of a type of magic she had never heard of before – calling it digital. He described a universe-wide connection, invisible to the eyes, and impervious to magic, that allowed those who harnessed it to contact and enter virtual worlds. Aneesa was enraptured, even more so when the man revealed a secret – he had almost no magic to call his own, and was shunned from his family too. It was then that Aneesa remembered where she had seen his face – he was related to her! A half-brother she had seen on the family tapestries. Her half-brother took pity on her, but also scolded her for escaping the castle. Aneesa couldn’t believe it, she thought he’d understand! He vowed to return her home, but not before offering her one of his own books – to study the virtual world, and perhaps one day, enter it herself. Aneesa obliged, and was returned to the castle dungeons – her family hadn’t even noticed she’d left, but Aneesa didn’t care. She studied her brother’s book harder than any spell book she’d ever had – every word filling her with more and more hope, and determination. The final page held the greatest secret – how to use magic and digital together to open a portal to the virtual world. Aneesa’s heart was set – she would find herself in that virtual world, she just knew it. She waited patiently for an upcoming meeting at the castle, she knew representatives from all corners of the world would be attending, and sure enough, her half-brother was among them. She led him to her dungeon once the meeting ended, and explained her wish to him. At first, he was against it, demanding she come to her senses, but when a drunk noble stumbled into them from a party upstairs, and ceaselessly mocked the two ‘failures of the sorcerer family’ – the half-brother had a change of heart. He saw in Aneesa’s tired eyes she’d tried everything to appease their family, and had failed every time. “Please,” She said to him, “I need to find myself out there, for me, not them.” The half-brother agreed, but made her promise she would be cautious, and to keep his book close to her for guidance. Aneesa agreed at once, and the two began the ritual. A circle was carved, symbols were painted, and with her half-brother’s small amount of magic Aneesa’s room was soon a glimmering purple portal – her chance at a new life. Aneesa embraced the man – her only true family, in her eyes, and promised she would return to him one day. Without a single word to her parents, she stepped through the portal, and found herself in the virtual world. For the very first time, Fairuz Aneesa felt anything was possible. She was still the timid wanderer from the castle dungeons, but she was free, and she didn’t need magic to wander the world she now found herself in... The Journey Continues... |
Let's go through the journey of 'Finding Ourselves' together! |
Date | Achievement | Link |
15th March 2022 | Very 1st Collab on Youtube | I'm nervous here! o((>ω< ))o |
20th May 2022 | 100 Subscribers on Youtube | |
22nd August 2022 | Verified on Gank | |
14th September 2022 | Featured Verified Creators for the first time on Gank | |
11st March 2023 | 300 Subscribers on Youtube | |
28th March 2023 | 'Infaq Ramadan' Collaboration with Gank | Thank you for the donation😘 |
19th June 2023 | 1k Subscribers on Youtube | |
16th November 2023 | New Series published on Youtube | You've got a message! |
...and many more to come! 💜 |
All the sections that I can't fit into the main section ヾ(≧▽≦*)o |
Fan Art
Hey! Why FaNees Family is so awesome! Thank you so much for all your support! 🥰 |
Where to find me~
❣️All the social media and websites are in one place! So please take a look if you want to.❣️💜SOCIAL MEDIA
✨Gank (Membership & Donation):
✨Personal Page:
✨Commission Page:
✨Etsy Store:
✨Ko-fi (freebies):
✨HoloList: you!💜
Many thanks to all awesome people who helps me 💜 |
Live2D Model
Fairuz Aneesa
Live2D Rigger
Kokoro Fujiwara
Loading Screen
Stream Overlay
Faineesa (which is also me XD)
Background Art | Room
Usanekomemory | うさねこメモリー
Script Writer
T.D. Gordon
Storyboard & Illustrations

Additional Illustrations &
Background Art
My Team Art
Voice Over

Header & Pfp
Carrd | Anis
Youtube | Noyuuu
Twitter | Nexton
Carrd Template
Special Mention
You that always helps me a lot 💜 |